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 ECI Environmental Consultants
& Engineers, LLC

Qualified UST Consultant

Building a Better Way


Innovated Assessment in Accord with Standard Industry Practices

Project:  44 separate Gas Station sites or Former Gas Station Sites were evaluated for possible Recognized Environmental Conditions (REC’s)



In an attempt to assist the lender in identifying RECS and risk, a compressed and simple, yet equitable, methodology to cost effectively evaluate the collateral value of each of the 44 properties in transaction was designed.  In order to develop and implement a methodology for the lender to utilize in the assessment of the collateral of the transaction, ECI assigned an arbitrary yet relevant level of risk for each property.  ECI utilized guidelines set forth in ASTM Standard Practice E1527-00 and ASTM Standard Practice E1528-00, along with basic statistical principles.



Completed Projects:
•  Remediation Project •  Environmental Site Assesment •  UST Removal •  System Design •  Site Closure •  Baseline Environmental Assessment •  UST Release Closure •  Removal of Unregulated tanks •  Legal Involvement •  UST Involvement •  Subsurface Investigation •  Oversight Management •  Subsurface Investigation •  LUST Closure  •  Subsurface Investigation •  Super Fund Project •  Site Assessment •  UST Removal •  UST Involvement •  Baseline Environmental Assessment •  UST Involvement •  Consulting Institutional Controls •  Subsurface Investigation •  Sampling •  Identification of Location of UST •  UST Release Closure •  UST Closure •  Removal Oversight •  Site Closure •  Environmental Site Assessment •  Phase I ESA •  ESA for a Marina •  Limited Subsurface Investigation •  Residential Apartment Complex •  REC Evaluations •  Bulk/Commercial Fueling Station